Top Questions
- Where can I submit compliance-related inquiries?
- I need help logging in to the Stylist App.
- How do I update my credit card for the eSuite fee?
- I need help with my Pay Portal account.
- How do I become a Stylist?
- How can I reactivate my Stylist account?
- I have a defective makeup item.
- How do I change my password?
- How long does it take once a package is shipped for it to be delivered?
- What payment methods do you accept?
- I have a defective nail strip in my order.
- How can I return an order?
Knowledge Base
Stylist FAQs
Account & Policy
Getting Started
Commissions & Pay Portal
- I need help with my Pay Portal account.
- What is the Pay Portal?
- I did not receive an email for Pay Portal activation.
- What is the $2 fee deducted from my monthly commission?
- What is meant by “Active Stylist?” Will my Stylist account ever be deactivated?
- What is Personal Volume and how is it calculated?
Virtual Office & App
Beauty Social Parties
Account Help
Orders & Shipping
- I have a defective makeup item.
- How long does it take once a package is shipped for it to be delivered?
- What payment methods do you accept?
- I have a defective nail strip in my order.
- How can I return an order?
- How much does shipping cost? (Europe)